Our Family


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's Been A While!

I know, I know! I've fallen behind on my blogging duties, but there hasn't been too much going on!! We've just been working away! Today was another doctor visit and it was a good one! I mentioned to him that I've been having some contractions on and off so he checked and I am not dialated yet (we dont want that for another 4 weeks!!) They are just Braxton hicks and he told me to slow down and take it easy. Bryce is still measuring a couple of weeks ahead, which I could've told you! When the doctor went to listen to his heartbeat, Bryce kept squirming around and would not stay put long enough for us get see how fast his heart is beating! This little booger does not stay still, I am not sure when or if he ever sleeps. But I love it because I know he's doing fine!!

Here are just a couple of pictures!!

Bryces crib came in this evening and Tim started putting it together right away! It is sooooo beautiful! I can't wait to get the mattress and bedding in it and then the final touch... Bryce!
Here's the proud daddy finishing up his project! And of course, Beaker helped the entire time!!

Dont be alarmed! I took this today before my doctor visit, so this is us at 32 weeks! I cant imagine how much more I can grow! I can hardly move as it is!

Tim, the wonderful husband he is, surprised me at work on monday with flowers just because!! I have the best husband in the world!!!!
Tim and Troy went fishing and camping this weekend down at the national seashore (Tim wanted to get out one last time before Bryce, because he is now no longer allowed to be out of cell phone service range!) and this was the sunrise one morning. Absolutely beautiful!!


Daniel & Jennifer said...

Steph! You look so beautiful! I'm very excited for you guys, I love watching your blog's countdown to Bryce's arrival.

The Tenner Family said...

Yea for the crib! It now feels like it's going to be here soon, doesn't it? Thanks for keeping us all updated!

Lisa said...

We are so happy for you both!!! I am starting work next week, but am only going to be working part-time so I plan to come down to visit once little Bryce is born. Keep us updated. Love you lots, lisa and kelly