Our Family


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

16 Months Old!

Time sure does fly! Bryce is becoming a little man right before our eyes!! Every day he surprises me with something new!

Of course he has been walking since 11 months old, but he can run faster than I can now, does not want to be carried anywhere, unless he just really wants to be held!

Our newest and scariest adventure is him climbing everything. He has to stand on every chair or table he sees. He isn't happy unless he is at the top! What amazes me is how he get to the places he does, he is so smart to figure out how to get places he wants to go!

He also wants to feed himself with a spoon or fork now, which is so fun to see, but not so fun to clean up! Thank goodness for Beaker the cleanup crew!

We are still lagging in the speech department, of course 'mama' 'dada', Beaker is 'Dough' most things are 'doo' and his FAVORITE word is "UH - OH!!" That is so cute!

He loves blowing kisses and puckering up for kisses, but only when he is in the mood!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is our new favorite show, Little Einsteins is still up there, but when Mickey is on, nothing else can happen!!

We went to Harlingen to see my mom and family this last weekend and went to the big stock show down there and Troys new hunting lease! Bryce loved every minute of being outside!

Sitting at the hunting lease!

So excited to play in the dirt and grass!

Enough with the pictures already!
Grandma and Uncle Troy with the big boy!
Apparently the Tent can't hold him in!

Running around outside!
He loved the petting zoo
He ran from animal to animal to pet them all
Apparently Tim and I need to buy a lot of land with lots of animals for Bryce!
He wanted in with the goats
He got to feed one of my friends goats
"Mom, can I have one of those!?"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time For Beach Fun!!

The weather around here has actually been very pleasant lately, so we decided to go camping down the National Seashore a couple of weekends ago! Bryce had so much fun! He loves the sand and water and just being outside.

Now I love camping, but in the mountains... not so much the beach. But it was a fun family activity where there were not a whole lot of distractions!

Here are some pictures from the trip and then some pictures from just some goofing around the house the week before!

A great dad and son moment!

Tim getting ready to catch the big one!
He loved looking for seashells.

So happy to be outside!
This is a scary sight!!

I'm not sure I'm ready for this milestone yet!

Hanging in the lounge chair

Going to dig a hole
Taking a snack break

He wanted to fish like dad

He wanted my clips in his hair, I promise you!
He loved it!

Bryce loves to sit in his big boy chair and watch Mickey Mouse Future hockey star
More family fun time!!