Our Family


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time For Beach Fun!!

The weather around here has actually been very pleasant lately, so we decided to go camping down the National Seashore a couple of weekends ago! Bryce had so much fun! He loves the sand and water and just being outside.

Now I love camping, but in the mountains... not so much the beach. But it was a fun family activity where there were not a whole lot of distractions!

Here are some pictures from the trip and then some pictures from just some goofing around the house the week before!

A great dad and son moment!

Tim getting ready to catch the big one!
He loved looking for seashells.

So happy to be outside!
This is a scary sight!!

I'm not sure I'm ready for this milestone yet!

Hanging in the lounge chair

Going to dig a hole
Taking a snack break

He wanted to fish like dad

He wanted my clips in his hair, I promise you!
He loved it!

Bryce loves to sit in his big boy chair and watch Mickey Mouse Future hockey star
More family fun time!!

1 comment:

mohamed said...

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