Our Family


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

11 Months Old!!

This boy is growing up way too fast! I know that I say that every month, but it is so true! He is standing on his own very well. He is trying to take his first steps, but when he tries to step out, he falls. So I'm sure it wont be much longer! I am excited but scared at the same time!

He now refuses to eat with a spoon or let anyone else feed him. He HAS to feed himself... which is limiting our options, but we are learning!! Any ideas anyone? Oh such an independent boy!

So here are just some pictures from recently! Enjoy!

It was a beautiful day out so I opened the dining room windows and he could stand there looking outside for hours! He loves it!
He has finally caught Pumpkin. I am not sure how Pumpkin feels about this, but she just lays there while he tortures her. I do intervene, but this one time I had to get a picture!

Such a handsome 11 month old! He has the same problem that I do... he closes his eyes for most pictures... Sorry Bryce.
Big man holding daddys hand!
Our unofficial photo shoot!
Cartoons were on behind me... I was blocking "Special Agent Oso". He was not happy.
Taking a break!!
He has discovered door knobs.
Standing alone!
What a big boy!

Giving the baby in the mirror kisses!

He loves that baby in the mirror!

Getting himself a snack.
This is his new jungle gym... the end table.
And he is learning to climb...
I am way in over my head!! But I love every second of it!!!!!!


Terri said...

They do grow up fast. He'll be walking in no time. My nephew just turned 1 and at his check up he was just shy of 25 lbs and was just over 32 inches tall. Bryce looks to be about the same size. Give me a call when you come down, I'm in the phone book.

Daniel & Jennifer said...

Wow, hard to believe that one short year ago I was getting ready for my wedding and you were getting ready for Bryce's arrival! It passed soooo fast!! Bryce is definitely growing like a weed, he's just soo handsome! We'll be down around Christmas, hopefully Dec. 23 - 27th...if you're in the area it'd be great to get together!!