Our Family


Saturday, September 12, 2009

9 Month Check Up!!

We went for Bryces 9 month check up last week and as always wowed the doctor!
Here are his stats : 23.9 lbs 90th percentile
30 inches tall 90th percentile
I dont remember what his head circumfrence was, but it was off the charts. The doctor said that it is just full of brains!!

He has finally gotten his first two front teeth in!! YAY!! They are soooo cute!
He now says DaDa... I dont know why, MaMa does all the work! Just kidding! But here are some pictures from the last week!

I am amazed at how fast he is growing up. No longer is he that infant that just layed there and slept in my arms for hours and made little cooing noises. Now he does not sit still. It is a feat just trying to change a diaper, put clothes on ( the boy LOVES to be naked ) and no longer is there just laying in bed cuddling unless its bed time and then he is not still! He is constantly on the move!

His new favorite game is to stand up and try to climb in my lap so that I pick him up just for him to arch his back and slide back down! He could do this for hours!

He has to pull himself up to stand on everything! It's exciting to see everything from a new perspective!!

I took a self portrait of us! It actually came out good!

It is a little blurry, but you get the idea!! and they have come in even more since then!! I could only take a picture when he was sleeping.
Going topless!
Beaker helps clean up after dinner!
Yummy spagetti!!
Scooting around!
You cant forget about mom and dad!!

1 comment:

Terri said...

You little guy is so adorable. Its hard to believe he is almost one. My nephew turns one on the 13th of this month. We need to get these two together when you are down here.