Our Family


Monday, February 16, 2009

All Sharks Beware of 'Tim The Great'!!

Tim, Wade and Troy and some of their friends went camping on the National Seashore this weekend and Tim caught the biggest catch of the weekend!! A blacktip shark that was 5'9" long!! His first large shark! I wish I was there to see how happy he was!! I am so proud of him, now he is part of an elite club!! I'm just glad though that it didnt bite any appendages off!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

what did he do with it? that's crazy. Were they on a boat or did he catch it off the shore? I don't know if i'm going swimming down there (lol) love you guys. Steph, will call this weekend since by the time I get home and settled it's pretty late your time. Lisa