Our Family


Friday, January 30, 2009

2 Months Old!!

Little man Bryce is 2 months old already!! Time really does fly by. He is such a big boy now that it is unreal! He smiles and laughs, loves to sit up and pay attention to us (or us pay attention to him!) I was watching the dvd from when he was born and just cried and wondered where my little baby was! He is such a special boy!

We went for his 2 month check up and immunizations this week... He was 14lb 4oz and 24 1/2 inches long!! It's no wonder we have to wear 6-9 month pajamas!! He is healthy and happy! I think he took his shots better than mommy and grandma did tho. The darned nurse scratched his poor leg with one of the needles, not cool. Luckily, he didnt have any bad reactions and was just sleepy for a couple of days. But boy he let them know he wasnt happy about being stuck with a bunch of needles!

I also did start back to work and it was HARD to be away from him! Although I know it is good for the both of us, I find myself talking about him to my patients and co workers all day and I am sure they are sick of it, but I can't help myself! Each day gets a little easier, but I run out of that office the second I am able to to get home! I do wish that it were possible for me to stay at home with him everyday, but we do what we gotta do!!

Also, since I havnt been very good at posting, I havnt posted about Tims birthday either!! He turned 36 last saturday and we went to lunch at the Port A Brewery and later that night mom babysat while we went out for a night out on the town!! What a difference a year makes, for his birthday last year, we were at the Playboy Club at the Palms Hotel and Casino till the wee hours of the morning, this year, we were at home by 10 pm and ready for bed!! Boy we're getting old! I wouldnt trade it for anything though!

Enough rambling and here are some pictures I took today of Bryce and a picture from Tims birthday lunch!

He's deep in thought !
Handsome male model!
Mom! Get that camera out of my face already!

Strong man!!
Look what I can do!

Saying hi to mommy!
He loves to laugh and smile!!
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Bad hairday, but loving the swing!

1 comment:

The Tenner Family said...

He is SOOOO adorable!! I can't get over what a "little man" he is! And all that hair! That kid's going to be a heartbreaker! :)

p.s. Y'all should join Facebook!